Thursday, August 27, 2009

September it is then!

Hastur - 8/27/2009 12:26 AM
How's September sound for Season 2. Exact date is still being worked out, you'll get it as soon as its established.

Exact date soon eh?


  1. Awesome! Let's just hope there won't be another delay. -.-

  2. T.T please come to me soon S2

  3. fukem then they said end of summer wich is the end of august ....

  4. noob, summer ends September 23rd :p

  5. imo, they plan on surprising us with S2 at the same time when they gonna change ISP.

    They have 2 day window to run all the tests and then... SURPRISE!!!!!!


  6. The only question left is why keep playing Requiem if Aion will also be out in September?

  7. req is unique best f2p game and aion is not that good p2p .50$ and montly 14.99$ decide.

  8. Requiem is a great game, but once you reach the higher lvs 63+, theres alot of grinding involved, because of the lack of quests. Its a constant grind from 63-71. At the moment im not playing the game, (taking a break) but will hopefully return with S2.


    They're going to bring S2, with the ISP change. Which is amazing! Less lag, less disconnections and a huge update! I think we can wait a little longer..

  9. I doubt they will introduce S2 with the ISP change. Doing so introduces too many variables. If the lag and dc’s continue or increase do you blame the new ISP or S2? I imagine they will want to wait at least a week after the ISP change just to check out how the new ISP is doing. Then they can introduce S2 and see if it causes any lag or dc’s.

  10. "Exact date soon eh?" erm, no reason to think so. Seems that with Gravity wishful thinking is wasted..

    They could as well decide the date second last day of September and put the patch for last day..

    Well, I think we'll be close to patch when they start uploading big, suspicious files in patches without further details. That's what they've done with bigger patches before.

  11. exact date urmm we dont even have a official announcement for "alive" yet

  12. I think you all need to quit your bitching and moaning over a free game... if you don't like it go play something else. I am excited to see S2 when it comes out. And I don't mind playing untill it does come out. So many complaining little bishes... go pay $50 to play a game then...

  13. I hear you bro (guy on top of me)

    Im going to renew my premium when s2 comes out, until then.. Gonna play some runescape ;P

  14. They're going to have the patch servers already moved to the new location. So during the time they will be moving the game servers over - everyone will be able to download the new patch.
    Since the downloading will take such a long time - it gives them more of a downtime window to be able to move all the servers.

  15. Whats going to happen to our Reinforced stuff? Ive just finished reinforcing my lvl 50 set with Ion HP xeons and I can finally wear it (just turned lvl 50) It would sux when Alive comes around in Sept. and reset all of it or change the armors around.

  16. What will happen with bound gear, will it remain bound or will they unbound it? like 66 set and 66 jews, all reinforced gear and wep?

  17. 66 weapons turn into 65 weapons >.> and the stats turn into crap! So your going to have to compound it.

  18. Aion will get realesed in Europe,the third week in September.
    Guess if S2 dont show up tills then,30% of all Hammerine server players are going over to Aion,and later ,Guild Wars 2.


  19. if there are people who will stay in this game at S2 it will probably be the lvl 70 nerds, or AKA Affinity

  20. didnt saw that lvl 66 items will became lvl 65 but there are new types of lvl 65 weapons and + infinity PvP weapons which have nice stats but u cant upgrade them (compoud).

    All reinforcements in weapon will stay, just Reinfroced Armor/Weapons should became normal ones.

    And yes all weapons/armor/jewel stats are changed because will be different system. And it might be that 200 mind will give like 500 now. Just my guess.

    Ruinhorn staff wont give 80+ MND but give 34 or 38 MND. Even SL set bonuses will be lowered.

  21. Hehe alot ppl leaving for Aion which is game i hate :) and dislike. 2nd GW2 isnt atractive at all.

    But with Aion/S2 minimal 50% of this low population will leave. I gonna leave to soon either, 24/7 grind 0 level of pvp and ballance. None map guild wars nothing such attractive and for fun. What u max can do grind 24/7 get lvl 71 and farm DC/LW/TD for your lvl 69+ items and do freaking boring SvS/FoC/IM which unbalanced classes kill it.

    I am personally Blizzard fan, so i wait for Diablo 3.

  22. I like this game but lately haven't been on as much for personal reason and to tell you what, I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. Season 2 will have it's fun for a bit, but with no new maps or other things to do, this game is slowly dieing in my eyes.
    Looking at Diablo 3 (huge fan of series) I can't wait till it comes out. Blade n Soul is also a new one to keep an eye on.

  23. don't the time they release diablo 3.... well... let's just say...our grandchildren will enjoy it.. ;) (you can't say blizard does things in a hurry...and they are making starcraft 2 for ever now...and still not ready... will be the same with diablo) as for the season 2... will bring some chaos.. :P (maybe some anarchy..;) )

  24. dont care about Starcraft 2 at all, it cant be better than first serier SC:BR. And so far they working at 4 games minimal atm, its WoW,Diablo 3,Starcraft 2 (which will be cut into 3 pieces) and new MMOG different from WoW.

  25. So basically, if i have one piece of etc lvl60 armor in my bag, and one standard eximus lvl60 piece of armor, and one reinforced eximus lvl60 piece of armor that i have used before and therefore it is bound to my character...
    means that after S2 ill end up with 3 pieces of identical lvl60 eximus unbound (and not boundable) armor?

    Did i get that right?

  26. Until Gravity officially gives the s2 patch notes no one knows for sure what's going to happen to the old gear.

    With that I've only seen the one screenshot from korean test server, where the player had old and new '66' sets. So its plausable the current items will stay as they are, but won't drop anymore. Or they'll convert old items to their new versions. *shrug.*

    Frankly, I don't care what happens to the 66 sets, or Reinforced items. What I'm worried of is what happens to the compounded items when they remake whole compounding system from fortis-potens to +1-+30..

    Fallen Earth's going live in september too; 15th, if I remember correctly. So Gravity better pick up speed with their patch, or they'll have competition from Aion, FE, etc. (And before you argue that Requiem and FE have nothing in common - I played Requiem since CB and liked it, played FE's CB and liked it, and I'll preorder it. I'm not only one ;x)

  27. I'll go to Aion, I already brought it either.

    But I'll still get in Requiem once in a while to kill some people since I'm the "Angry Requiem NERD".

  28. I hope they dont just reset reinforced armors or give them a blank slate in the new S2 version. I spent tons of time and lant on putting HPs into them.

    If they were to "reset" the reinforced armors I hope the would atleast give us our xeons back..

  29. Aion is going live September 18th, so Gravity u better hurry, my Requiem subscription ending soon, and for same kind of money i can have Aion... meaning i could be off Requiem at least for a month - or - forever?!?

    This is not a threat, this is a fact!

  30. The amount of stupidity here is simply too astounding to comment.

  31. lol season 2 or aion ...hmmm what to do? eheheh f2p or p2p ..hmmm i chose Champion online

  32. Angry Requiem Nerd?

    Ken spotted? xD

  33. this upadate late maybe 6 months! S2 need to add new map and dungeons, not more cs stuffs ..and repair chat sistem lol Im tired of this shits. i spent more money on req than on some p2p game. It was fun :) BY BY Gravity - communist bastrds

  34. How is that communist, since they obviously made a bunch of money off your dumbass?

    But true enough, they will get more competition (from other gaming companies) in the upcoming month/days, and that will slim their playerbase quite a bit since people will go looking for another "great" MMO. And that will hit them hard, especially if they don't deliver, at least from the US playerbase.

    But eventually, and if S2 is worthy (I have no idea on that part other then it WILL be much different in it's new playstyle), some people might come back if they are dissatisfied with the new MMOs and the content they provide and up the game population yet again.

    Requiem, looks to be the type of game that might last quite some time... not as a top dog, but a quite an addictive passtime that people do go back time and time again, even if it's just for a little bit...

  35. News of S2 is out.
    Go to requiem main site and click on 1st news.
    Requiem:Momento Mori
    Out on 24th Sept
