Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are we ready?

Rumors are coming up that the release of RA is on August 28th...There is nothing confirmed yet just to make that sure. If the rumor is true there should be an announcement next week. Lets hope and wait.

Oh and here... I made a wallpaper out of the korean site. hf with it ;o

Update: Here is a mail that fatboy got:
From : Hastur To : FATBOY21006 Date : 8/13/2009 6:56 PM
Subject : RE: hey

The announcement for the date will be soon. However in the coming weeks we will be having events both on the forums and ingame, you won't need premium but it will help you if you do . In the mean time be patient, I can't give you a definite date but i can say the announcement will be made before the end of next week. Stick around we got some surprises in store...

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  1. dont wory in next scene , sin stun him 10 sec:)

  2. funny that in the background is an army of melee bartuks with 1h weapons...prolly those are warlords without the 2h mastery lol

  3. I will update this post if I can confirm the release date 28th of August. Or if Hastur posts the anouncement on the forums ;p

  4. if it is...the 28th...well, i dont bother testing..cuz im in the world where im blowing up nazi wolfenstein O:

  5. Nice, i wait it more than most of people, at last, Tempest will have more than 4 targets T.T

    BTW nice wallpaper :)

  6. Lol. August 28th. Nice. My birthday. 8D It's like Gravity's giving me a birthday present. :3! Just hope the rumors are true. But... Rumors are just stories. So, I won't get overexcited.

  7. @ the pic

    hehe the other sins are in stealth.. they gonna scud the zerker just before his foot touches the floor :O

  8. Guys,guys it's just a rumor I think we wont get it till November-December.I think Hastur will anounce it at least 1 month before..this is big thing remember the 66 dungeons we get..yeah advertising.Till now nothing for S2,but hope dies last...

  9. here this will make you all smile this is to me fatboy21007 as i kept bugging him ....

    From : Hastur To : FATBOY21006 Date : 8/13/2009 6:56 PM
    Subject : RE: hey

    The announcement for the date will be soon. However in the coming weeks we will be having events both on the forums and ingame, you won't need premium but it will help you if you do . In the mean time be patient, I can't give you a definite date but i can say the announcement will be made before the end of next week. Stick around we got some surprises in store...

  10. Withou shackle Zerkers won't kill a thing now. Too bad I got a zerker...

  11. upper job change --> mystic/forsaker =D

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  14. "Surprises in store" lol....

  15. dude ask shehe if im fake or plumberry i am fatboy21007 and thats ingame name my fourm name is fatboy21006 and hastur did send me that it took me bugging him for months now to get him to start giving hints to me asnd if you still think im lieing PM me of see how long ive been with req so :-P and when he does anounce it this week i expect 500k lant from each of ya that hink im *fake* and a liar :-)

  16. Lol, anyway, in the worst case nothing happens, in the best we all be happy :D

  17. Damn i hope thats true hopefully in next to weeks it'll be released i dont see why not as they have had it in korea for some time now testig and finalising so lets all cross are fingers and hope for the release in the next couple of weeks xD

    Cya all on there :P

  18. In the next couple of weeks Commanders and Zerkers won't kill a thing cus they won't have Restrain and Shackle. Nice work Gravity...

  19. So, fuckbags, u got me flamed all over Requiem forum. (i was speaking about Gravitys intentions to rip us off).
    Since there will no longer be reinforced weapons, and new weapon range is lvl 5,20,40,50,55,60,65,70... u get the picture, it will cost a zillion to have the gear like u have now. Its in their interest to up all ign prices, and by doing so max ItemMall spendings.
    Ofc, thats what they do for a living, ull say. And ure right, in a way...
    What they are really doing is maximizing their profit with minimal investment, and by doing so they trick us into believing we get something new.
    What we get is recolored old stuff, wep and gear they took from low lvls, but thats ok for average Joe, u dont even remember what they look like,do u? :p

  20. I will check "Alive" out .. if it sux i just leave the game

  21. And one more thing, this game desperately needs an independent forum that "works" (is visited).

    It is time for us to stop Gravitys rotten propaganda and dogmatic stances that treats us like mindless zombies with credit cards.

    Power To The Players!

  22. There are ingame screenshots of the lvl 72 armour on the korean site.. they look awfull! ha!

    maybe sheh can chase up some stats for em? :)

  23. ouch, one hit with that bludg would hurt
